Wonder Years Senior Services is dedicated to providing compassionate and comprehensive care for s...

Contact North is a nonprofit organization funded by the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universi...
26 Beech Ave, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A2, Canada
The Bowmanville Older Adult Association (formerly the Clarington Older Adult Centre Board) is a r...

Providing free services for assisting employers to connect with qualified job seekers in the Clar...

Non-profit horticultural-garden club serving the Newcastle Area. Cost to join is $10.00 per year....

905 213 4628905 213 4628
At the centre of our lovely Village is the Community Hall. Available for parties, weddings, funer...

279 King Ave E, Newcastle, ON L1B 1H4, Canada
The Clarington East Food Bank services residents in Newcastle, Orono, Newtonville, Kendal and Kir...
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