To All Members,
Great News! The weather is changing and we are going to have a beautiful hot summer. The Newcastle and District Chamber of Commerce is experiencing great things.
Business has kept me away from several of our latest events; these events have been successful because of our Directors and our membership. Keep submitting ideas for what you would like to see in the fall. We need to know what you the membership wants.
Very important: our TRADE SHOW is the first week of June. Take part, tell your friends and associates to come out and meet. The Trade Show is a success every year thanks to everyone who is involved. As always Rob Kloosterman is in charge and he always makes the show great. For additional information check out our website, and contact our Directors.
Feel free to attend an Executive meeting, or contact any of us with ideas, concerns or simply with some feedback. We will continue to offer networking/ education sessions, and round table discussions on varied topics.
We will update you with information as we move forward. Please forward your ideas to us. I look forward to seeing you at our various events.
Dean Perrin
President, Newcastle and District Chamber of Commerce